BIM Solutions
BIM Solutions

Welcome to BIM Solutions.

Our key differentiator for client is our knowledge and experience in the space of Big Data, Machine Learning, S/4HANA, SAP BPC/IBP, SAP BI/BW and new products like Simple Finance and Logistics in S/4HANA. If you have a right problem to solve in SAP, we will find the right answer for you with our dedicated experts to match your needs.


We also provide IT infrastructure, Security, and End to End IT Solutions and Support Services through our dedicated practice to help stabilize your environment, and keep the "lights on” in a cost efficient way.


At BIM Solutions the customer always comes first, and we constantly strive to exceed your expectations with our wide range of consulting experience and deep knowledge in various industries and domains.

Once we take your assignment in our hand, we will solve it right for you.

Want to know more about our business and the services we offer? Get detailed information here. Learn more about us and meet our dedicated staff members. We're looking forward to serving you!-(delete)

Where to Find Us:

BIM Solutions
13 Amistad

Irvine, CA 92620

Phone: +1 949- 231-0143

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